When I was growing up, my dad's extended family always gathered in Painesville, Ohio on the 4th of July holiday. That tradition faded away as the members of the "greatest generation" passed on and younger generations moved away. But, I remember pulling into my great aunt's driveway each year, the sense of excitement building as we spilled from the car. I'll always remember sound of the screen door slamming as kids ran in and out all day, coolers filled with endless cans of soda, and Aunt Bettie ... Read More about Easy Recipes for summer picnics and celebrations: A collaboration
Flying high at TreeRunner Raleigh Adventures
When we got married -- almost 29 years ago (EEK) -- I was a timid girl. I was afraid of rickety wooden bridges, climbing ladders, just about everything but my own shadow. But, I'm intrinsically competitive, so as our boys grew, I had two choices: Remain a wimp who sat on the sidelines OR overcome those fears and participate in life. I chose adventure... and don't regret a single moment! That internal fire lit, I am a new person who loves adventure. I'd almost go so far as to say I crave it, but ... Read More about Flying high at TreeRunner Raleigh Adventures
Graduation advice for parents: Give them wings
Flashback to 2012. Our oldest was a senior in high school -- and I was a mess! Every "last first" had me in tears. Last first day of school. Last final exams. Last Christmas break. Last spring break. All those lasts were really rough on this mama's heart. I cried. A lot. Then there were all the new things. College acceptance to a school NINE HOURS FROM HOME! Senior pictures. Senior prom. Senior awards. Last day of school. Graduation. Whatever is a mom to do? This person -- by the way, totally ... Read More about Graduation advice for parents: Give them wings
Celebrity Cruises: Equinox spring break review
The past few years have been a whirlwind around our house -- you know, life with teens and a new job thrown in! We've been going full tilt for so long, I can't remember the last time I sat to read a book "just for fun." Or, slept in "for no reason." You know? So, we booked a spring break cruise, forcing ourselves (you know?) to unplug and unwind. I booked our cruise on the Celebrity Equinox -- in part because there happened to be a medical conference onboard to offset some of the cost. But ... Read More about Celebrity Cruises: Equinox spring break review
Creamy Coconut Rice: Up your side dish flavor
When we serve tangy or spicy dishes, coconut rice often replaces bread or potatoes as a side dish. This is a smooth, slightly sweet, side dish -- but still savory. Surprisingly, it doesn't taste much like coconut. The coconut milk simply makes it creamy. We serve it with my husband's Asian Turkey Burgers alongside tangy mango salsa. Make extra for leftovers! We love Asian rice and eggs. Warm up a 1/2 cup of leftover coconut rice and top it with an egg cooked over easy and a drizzle of soy ... Read More about Creamy Coconut Rice: Up your side dish flavor